Create Business Bank Account


The relevant endpoint and http method information for our corporate customers to add a bank account is given below.

POST /v1/Account/CreateBusinessBankAccount

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory Description
tenant_id int No
business_account_id int No
bank_id int Yes
currency_code string Yes
name string Yes
account_holder_name string Yes
iban string Yes
account_no string Yes
swift_code string No
branch_code string No
is_active boolean No
is_deleted boolean No
bank_name string Yes
created_date_utc datetime No
updated_date_utc datetime No

Response Params

Params Type Description
status int
code int
message int
payload object
id Obje[]
tenant_id string
bank_id string
currency_code string
name string
account_holder_name string
iban string
account_no string
swift_code string
branch_code string
is_active boolean
created_date_utc datetime
updated_date_utc datetime
is_deleted boolean
business_account_id string
bank_name string


  "tenant_id": 5,
  "business_account_id": 3110121061111849997,
  "bank_id": 2,
  "currency_code": "try",
  "name": "denemehesap",
  "account_holder_name": "deneme",
  "iban": "TR310001210012211116898113",
  "account_no": "2111777777",
  "swift_code": "123",
  "branch_code": null,
  "is_active": true,
  "is_deleted": false,
  "bank_name": "testbank",
  "created_date_utc": "2022-05-27T13:46:00.391Z",
  "updated_date_utc": "2022-05-27T13:46:00.391Z"


    "status": 0,
    "code": null,
    "message": null,
    "payload": {
        "id": "0",
        "tenant_id": "5",
        "bank_id": "2",
        "currency_code": "try",
        "name": "denemehesap",
        "account_holder_name": "deneme",
        "iban": "TR310001210012211116898113",
        "account_no": "2111777777",
        "swift_code": "123",
        "branch_code": "",
        "is_active": true,
        "created_date_utc": "2022-05-31T20:02:43.692857Z",
        "updated_date_utc": "2022-05-31T20:02:43.6928578Z",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "business_account_id": "3580117015111849997",
        "bank_name": "testbank"