Read TR QR Code


The relevant endpoint and https method information for reading the generated TR QR code is given below.

POST /v1/Transaction/ReadTRQRCode

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory Description
QRCode string Yes QR Code

Response Params

Params Type
status integer
code string
message string
payload object
resultCode integer
resultDescription string
messageReferenceNumber string
dateh string
countryCode string
amountAvailable integer
transactionType integer
terminalType integer
supportedSchema string
supportedBrand string
installmentNumber string
amount decimal
mcc integer
currencyCode integer
merchantName string
merchantCity string
postalCode string
qrGenerationDate string
qrExpireDate string
merchantId string
terminalId string
merchantIban string
responseMac string
qrCreaterCode string
qrRefNo string
processingCode string
locationData string


  "QRCode": "99999921111613423221d1f09a88f8c5739a7954572a2056a2C4EE"


  "status": 0,          
  "code": null,         
  "message": null,      
  "payload": {          
    "resultCode": 0,        
    "resultDescription": "İşlem Başarılı",
    "messageReferenceNumber": "3ecad420-f5eb-44b0-905a-ff6c7f4dae18",
    "dateh": null,
    "countryCode": "TR",
    "amountAvailable": 2,
    "transactionType": 1,
    "terminalType": 2,
    "supportedSchema": "TDVMAUJ000",
    "supportedBrand": "N",
    "installmentNumber": "01",
    "amount": "000000070062",
    "mcc": 5411,
    "currencyCode": 949,
    "merchantName": "Antep Baklavacısı",
    "merchantCity": "ANKARA",
    "postalCode": "06000",
    "qrGenerationDate": null,
    "qrExpireDate": null,
    "merchantId": "0",
    "terminalId": null,
    "merchantIban": null,
    "responseMac": "S+ZqSqzhkSMfX07fkgpp+IZmEEocHoB8iLIv6arDSIAvZwzxHHfudfhfuBkBE3LweNHjL1O8/yLnxzeSl3Ep8Q==",
    "qrCreaterCode": "9999",
    "qrRefNo": "211116134232",
    "processingCode": null,
    "locationData": null

Fail Response:

  "status": 2,
  "code": "2",
  "message": "Format/uzunluk hatası: kkfData: expected 52 or 54 but send 55",
  "payload": null