Submit KYC Form


Endpoint and http method information used for KYC leveling is given.

POST /v1/Account/SubmitKYCForm

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory Description
account_number string Yes User Account Number
first_name string Yes User Name
last_name string Yes User Surname
national_id string Yes User Nationaly ID Number
birth_year int Yes User Birth Date
birth_month int Yes User Month Of Birth
birth_day int Yes User Day Of Birth
mother_name string No Mother Name
father_name string No Father Name
national_document_type_id int Yes National Document Type (1:TC Number , 2:Pasaport Number)
country_code string Yes Country Code (TR)
sector_id string Yes Sector Code
address string Yes Address
province_id int Yes Province ​​Code
city string Yes County Where The User Lives

Response Params

Params Type Description
status string Status
code int Code
message string Response Message
payload object Payload
account_number string User Account Number
kyc_level string KYC Level


    "account_number": "XXX48400"
    "birth_month": 9,
    "birth_day": 9,
    "mother_name": "Gülsen",
    "father_name": "Tarkan",
    "national_document_type_id": 1,
    "address": "Üsküdar Altunizade"


    "status" : 0,
    "code": "100",
    "message" :   "Üyelik seviyeniz başarıyla güncellendi.",
    "payload" : {
            "account_number": "XXX48400",
            "kyc_level": "20"