Summary Record By Filter


The relevant endpoint and http method information used to list all transaction history is given below.

POST /v1/TransactionData/SummaryRecordByFilter

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory
page_size int No
page_index int No
order_column string Yes
order_by string No
id int No
ext_transaction_id string No
tenant_id int No
wallet_id int No
process_level_status_id int No
transaction_type_code int No
transaction_type_code_list int[] No
to_wallet_id int No
currency_code string[] No
from_account_number string No
from_account_type_Id int No
from_account_Id int No
from_wallet_number string No
to_account_type_Id int No
to_account_Id int No
to_account_number string No
to_wallet_number string No
from_description string No
to_description string No
start_date datetime No
end_date datetime No
min_amount decimal No
max_amount decimal No
media_identifier string No
is_media_identifier_used boolean No
provider_id string No
channel_type bool No
transaction_group int No
is_local boolean No

Response Params

Params Type
status int
code string
massage string
payload obje
results obje[]
id int
tenant_id int
tx_group_correlation_id string
tx_ref_correlation_id string
wallet_id int
transaction_type_id int
transaction_type string
transaction_status_id int
transaction_status string
result_code string
tx_additional_data_json string
created_date_utc datetime
updated_date_utc datetime
completed_date_utc datetime
financial_process_completed_date_utc datetime
is_financial_process_completed boolean
to_wallet_id string
tx_base_amount decimal
tx_additional_fee decimal
tx_amount_with_additional_fee decimal
currency_code string
tx_end_user_preview_json string
tx_pre_financial_acquired_record_json string
tx_financial_acquired_record_json string
from_description string
to_description string
kyc_level_id int
from_account_type_Id int
from_account_Id string
from_wallet_number string
from_account_number string
to_account_number string
to_account_type_Id int
to_account_Id string
to_wallet_number string
is_need_settlement boolean
settlement_day int
ext_transaction_id string
from_user_kyc_info string
to_user_kyc_info string
source_type string
channel_type string
media_identifier string
terminal_no string
media_type string
provider_id string
to_account_tx_base_amount decimal
to_account_tx_additional_fee decimal
to_account_tx_amount_with_additional_fee decimal
page_index int
last_row_index int
page_count int
page_size int
row_count int
order_column string
order_by string


  "id": 0,
  "ext_transaction_id": "",
  "tenant_id": 0,
  "wallet_id": 0,
  "process_level_status_id": 60,
  "transaction_type_code": 0,
  "to_wallet_id": 0,
  "currency_code": ["TRY"],
  "from_account_number": "",
  "from_account_type_Id": 0,
  "from_account_Id": 0,
  "from_wallet_number": "",
  "to_account_type_Id": 0,
  "to_account_Id": 0,
  "to_account_number": "",
  "to_wallet_number": "",
  "from_description": "",
  "to_description": "",
  "transaction_direction": "",
  "start_date": "",
  "end_date": "",
  "min_amount": 0,
  "max_amount": 0,
  "media_identifier": "",
  "provider_id": "",
  "is_media_identifier_used": 0,
  "transaction_type_code_list": [
  "page_size": 100,
  "page_index": 0,
  "order_column": "Id",
  "order_by": "asc",
  "transaction_group": 0,
  "transaction_type_codes": "",
  "is_local": 0


    "status": 0,
    "code": null,
    "message": null,
    "payload": {
        "results": [
                "id": "12527227424023",
                "tenant_id": "5",
                "tx_group_correlation_id": "0",
                "tx_ref_correlation_id": "0",
                "wallet_id": "46272426206222275245",
                "transaction_type_id": 1002,
                "transaction_type": "Topup Credit Card | IsCashinTx = true",
                "transaction_status_id": 40,
                "transaction_status": "CancelCompleted",
                "result_code": "Success",
                "tx_additional_data_json": "{\"TenantId\":5,\"ExtCreditTransactionId\":\"0302202117:21\",\"CreditCardPostTypeId\":\"b_pos_5625665ddss\",\"AccountNumber\":\"ENS00012111222\",\"WalletNumber\":\"1272712926\",\"Amount\":100.0,\"CurrencyCode\":\"TRY\"}",
                "created_date_utc": "2021-08-03T14:27:37.691857Z",
                "updated_date_utc": "2021-12-13T12:35:35.6327799Z",
                "completed_date_utc": "2021-12-13T12:35:35.252742Z",
                "financial_process_completed_date_utc": null,
                "is_financial_process_completed": false,
                "to_wallet_id": "0",
                "tx_base_amount": 100.00,
                "tx_additional_fee": -6.00,
                "tx_amount_with_additional_fee": 94.00,
                "currency_code": "TRY",
                "tx_end_user_preview_json": "",
                "tx_pre_financial_acquired_record_json": null,
                "tx_financial_acquired_record_json": null,
                "from_description": "",
                "to_description": "",
                "kyc_level_id": 30,
                "from_account_type_id": 1,
                "from_account_id": "4723266248271272222",
                "from_wallet_number": "1179714926",
                "from_account_number": "ENS00012111222",
                "to_account_number": "0",
                "to_account_type_id": 0,
                "to_account_id": "0",
                "to_wallet_number": "0",
                "is_need_settlement": false,
                "settlement_day": 0,
                "ext_transaction_id": null,
                "from_user_kyc_info": null,
                "to_user_kyc_info": null,
                "source_type": null,
                "channel_type": null,
                "media_identifier": null,
                "terminal_no": null,
                "media_type": "",
                "provider_id": null
                "to_account_tx_base_amount": 3.0000,
                "to_account_tx_additional_fee": 0.0000,
                "to_account_tx_amount_with_additional_fee": 3.0000

        "page_index": 1,
        "last_row_index": 0,
        "page_count": 41,
        "page_size": 100,
        "row_count": 4001,
        "order_column": "UpdatedDateUtc",
        "order_by": "desc"
Transaction Type Code Transaction Type
1001 Topup Bank Transfer (Personal account)
1002 Topup Credit Card (Personal account)
1003 Topup Debit Card
1004 Topup Bank Transfer (Business account)
1005 Topup Credit Card (Business account)
1006 Topup Debit Card
2001 Personal Withdraw to Bank (Personal account)
2002 Business Withdraw to Bank (Business account)
3001 P2P Send Money to Wallet (PersonalToPersonalTransfer)
3002 P2B Send Money to Wallet
3003 B2B Send Money to Wallet
3004 B2P Send Money To Wallet
4001 Send Money To Bank (Business account)
4002 Send Money To Bank (Personal account)
5001 P2B Sync Wallet Transfer
10001 P2B Payment Refund (Async)
3010 B2P Cash Back - Cash Balance
3020 B2P Cash Back - Payment Balance
5003 Card Package Pre Auth
1007 Conditional Refund
1008 Conditional Refund
5010 P2B Sync Wallet Transfer
5002 B2B Payment
5004 P2B Payment Burn Loyalty
5006 P2B Payment Earn Loyalty