Endpoint and http method information used for in-house creation is given.
HTTP Method | URL |
POST | /v1/Account/RegisterBusinessAccount |
Params | Type | Mandatory | Description |
account_number | string | No | Account Number |
currency_code | string | Yes | Currency Code |
business_type | integer | No | Business Type Example "AŞ: 0, LTD:1, Individual:2, Freelance:3" |
name | string | No | Business Name |
group_code | string | No | Group Code (Used for Association with Business Accounts) |
alias | string | No | Account Name |
user_number | string | No | User Number |
user_first_name | string | Yes | User First Name |
user_last_name | string | Yes | User Last Name |
user_phone_country_code | string | Yes | Phone Country Code |
user_phone_number | string | Yes | Phone Number |
user_email | string | Yes | User E-mail |
tax_office | string | Yes | Tax Office |
tax_number | string | Yes | Tax Number |
contact_address | object | No | Contact Address |
first_name | string | No | Contact Info / First Name |
last_name | string | No | Contact Info / Last Name |
string | No | Contact Info / E-mail | |
address_line1 | string | No | Contact Info / Address |
address_line2 | string | No | Contact Info / Address 2 |
zip_postal_code | string | No | Contact Info / Postal Code |
phone_number | string | No | Contact Info / Phone |
state_province_code | string | No | Contact Info / Country Code ex. "TR" |
country_code | string | No | Contact Info / Country Phone Code ex. "90" |
use_fast_iban | bool | Hayır | Create fast IBAN? |
Params | Type | Description |
status | int | Status |
code | string | Code |
message | string | Message |
payload | object | Payload |
account_number | string | User Account Number |
user_number | string | User Number |
wallet_number | string | Wallet Number |
fast_iban | string | Fast Iban |
kyc_level_code | int | KYC Level |
first_name | string | User Name |
last_name | string | User Surname |
phone_country_code | string | User Phone Country Code |
phone_number | string | User Phone Number |
"account_number": "BSN48402",
"currency_code": "TRY",
"business_type":1,//AŞ: 0, LTD:1, Individual:2, Freelance:3
"name":"GLOBAL ARCH",
"alias": "ARCHWALLET",
"user_number": "BSN3548402",
"user_first_name": "Jane",
"user_last_name": "Doe",
"user_phone_country_code": "90",
"user_phone_number": "3333333333",
"user_email": "jane@example.com",
"use_fast_iban": true,
"contact_address": {
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "jane@example.com",
"address_line1": "2 Middle River Street",
"address_line2": "Panama City",
"zip_postal_code": "32404",
"phone_number": "2222222222",
"state_province_code": "TR",
"country_code": "90"
"status": 0,
"code": "100",
"message": "İşlem Başarılı",
"payload": {
"account_number": "BSN48402",
"user_number": "BSN3548402",
"wallet_number": "2114227957",
"fast_iban": "TR490083801024002114227957",
"kyc_level_code": 10,
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"phone_country_code": null,
"phone_number": null