QR Payment

QR payment starts with scanning the QR displayed on the Pos screen from within the application, after selecting the product and amount. Request for QR payment transaction is sent to Mobile api(Begin3rdPartyQRCodePayment ()). By running the Mobile api Payment method, the sales amount is deducted from the user's wallet balance. (Complete3rdPartyQRCodePayment ()).

2.1 Begin 3rd Party QR Code Payment


The relevant endpoint and http method information for the service to which the pre-payment transaction information is returned are given below.

POST /v1/Transaction/Begin3rdPartyQRCodePayment

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory
wallet_number string Yes
provider_id string Yes
qr_code string Yes
qr_code_type int Yes

Response Params

Params Type
transaction_id string
MerchantNo string
TerminalNo string
MerchantName string
BrandId Int
BrandName string
CityName string
DistrictName string
RequestAmount Decimal
BatchNo Int
TransactionId Int
ProductId Int
ProductName string
KDV string
DiscountRatio string
CurrencyId string
SelfRefCode string
SessionExpireDate string
ResponseCode int
ResponseMessage string
ErrorMessage string


               “wallet_number”: “xxx1xxx”,
               “provider_id”: 112233,
               “qr_code”: 777B77,
               “qr_code_type”: 1


    "status": 0,
    "code": "100",
    "message": null,
    "payload": {
        " tx_correlation_id ": "7777777777777777777",
    "payment_data": "{
    "MerchantNo": "0007777777",
    "TerminalNo": "0007777777",
    "MerchantName": "Test_58",
    "BrandId": 0,
    "BrandName": "",
    "CityName": "Antalya",
    "DistrictName": "Aksu",
    "RequestAmount": 0.13,
    "BatchNo": 1,
    "TransactionId": 98598610,
    "ProductId": 2,
    "ProductName": "RESTO %1",
    "Kdv": "1,00",
    "DiscountRatio": "0,00",
    "CurrencyId": "1",
    "SaleRefCode": "7777777777777777777777",
    "SessionExpireDate": "2021-04-01T08:38:40.51",
    "ResponseCode": 0,
    "ResponseMessage": "Sorgulama işlemi başarılı.",
    "ErrorMessage": null } "


2.2 Complete 3rd Party QRCode Payment


The sale transaction is completed and the relevant endpoint and http method information for the customer's wallet balance transaction are given below.

POST v1/Transaction/Complete3rdPartyQRCodePayment

Request Params

Parametre Tip Zorunlu
wallet_number string Yes
provider_id string Yes
tx_correlation_id int Yes

Dönüş Parametreleri

Parametre Tip
code Int
message string
transaction_id string
transaction_amount string
transaction_fee Decimal
charged_amount İnt
ext_order_id İnt
saleRefCode string
transactionId string
business_code string
business_name string
friendly_name string
receiver_account_number string
receiver_wallet_number string
sender_wallet_info string
id string
tenant_id string
name string
account_number string
account_type string
created_date_utc string
number string
phone_country_code string
phone_number string
email string
total_balance string
access_level_status_id string
access_level_status string
payment_balance string
available string
unavailable string
cash_balance string
available string
unavailable string
transaction_limits string
max_balance string
topup_credit_limit string
topup_cash_limit string
withdrawal_limit string
payment_limit string
wallet_to_wallet_limit string
kyc_level_status string
currency_code string
user_kyc_info string
is_topup_default boolean
tax_number string
loyalty_record_required boolean


  "wallet_number": "111111111",
  "provider_id": "eeeeeeee",
  "tx_correlation_id": 7777777777777777777777


    "status": 0,
    "code": "100",
    "message": "İşlem başarılı",
    "payload": {
        "transaction_id": "55555560555665555555",
        "transaction_amount": 100.0000,
        "transaction_fee": 0.0000,
        "charged_amount": 100.0000,
        "ext_order_id": "{\"saleRefCode\":\"5555055555555555555\",\"transactionId\":55555555}",
        "business_code": "",
        "business_name": "",
        "friendly_name": "",
        "receiver_account_number": "EEEEEEOE00",
        "receiver_wallet_number": "7777777777",
        "sender_wallet_info": {
            "id": "7997777777777777777",
            "tenant_id": "5",
            "name": "",
            "account_number": "EEEEEE010",
            "account_type": "Personal",
            "created_date_utc": "2021-09-20T10:52:35.5927212+00:00",
            "number": "777777777",
            "phone_country_code": null,
            "phone_number": null,
            "email": null,
            "total_balance": 796.00,
            "access_level_status_id": 1,
            "access_level_status": "Aktif",
            "payment_balance": {
                         "available": 796.00,
                         "unavailable": 0.00
                     "cash_balance": {
                         "available": 0.00,
                         "unavailable": 0.00
                     "transaction_limits": {
                         "max_balance": 1250.0000,
                         "topup_credit_limit": 1250.0000,
                         "topup_cash_limit": 1250.0000,
                         "withdrawal_limit": 1250.0000,
                         "payment_limit": 1250.0000,
                         "wallet_to_wallet_limit": 1250.0000
                     "kyc_level_status": null,
                     "currency_code": "TRY",
                     "user_kyc_info": null,
                     "is_topup_default": false,
                     "tax_number": null,
                     "loyalty_record_required": false,