Tenant Bank List By Filter


The relevant endpoint and http method information, where bank accounts defined to the tenant are listed, are given below.

POST /v1/Account/TenantBankListByFilter

Request Params

Params Type Mandatory
tenant_id int No
page_size int No
page_index int No
order_column string Yes
order_by string No
is_active bool No

Response Params

Params Type
status int
code string
message string
payload object
results object
id string
bank_name string
bank_code string
tenant_id string
bank_id string
currency_code string
name string
account_holder_name string
iban string
logo_url string
account_no string
swift_code string
branch_code string
is_active boolean
created_date_utc string
updated_date_utc string
is_deleted boolean
is_available_for_topup boolean
is_available_for_withdraw boolean
ext_api_bank_code string
tenant_bank_code string
page_index int
last_row_index int
page_count int
page_size int
row_count int
order_column int
order_by string


  "page_size": 10,
  "page_index": 1,
  "order_column": "Id",
  "order_by": "asc",
  "is_active": true


    "status": 0,
    "code": null,
    "message": null,
    "payload": {
        "results": [
                "id": "1",
                "bank_name": "DENİZBANK",
                "bank_code": "103",
                "tenant_id": "5",
                "bank_id": "11",
                "currency_code": "TRY",
                "name": "DENİZBANK",
                "account_holder_name": "Tenant",
                "iban": "TR320002100519286257241322",
                "logo_url": "https://mobileapi-test.walletgate.io/content/bank/103.svg",
                "account_no": "123456",
                "swift_code": " ",
                "branch_code": " ",
                "is_active": true,
                "created_date_utc": "2021-06-22T00:00:00Z",
                "updated_date_utc": "2021-06-22T00:00:00Z",
                "is_deleted": false,
                "is_available_for_topup": true,
                "is_available_for_withdraw": true,
                "ext_api_bank_code": " ",
                "tenant_bank_code": null


        "page_index": 1,
        "last_row_index": 0,
        "page_count": 2,
        "page_size": 10,
        "row_count": 14,
        "order_column": "Id",
        "order_by": "asc"